Deep below Monstro City lies a decadent cave where the Sour Cherry River flows and the Candy Floss Grass grows. The air is scented with licorice and everything is munchable!
Sweet Tooth, the sugary psycho who tried to poison Monstro City was ousted by the Super Moshis a while back, and the Roarkers were released from Sweet Tooth's hypno-spell. Ever since, the Roarkers have been working day and night to open the Candy Cane Caves to the public as a thank you.
They're most proud of Cupcake Cavern, an area they created just for you, where you can whip up batch after batch of cupcakes. You never know which Moshling will love your cupcake best! What are you waiting for? Head on over to the Candy Cane Caves, take a sticky dip in the Sour Cherry River, and bake some tiny cakes!
Hey, what kinds of sweets can YOU spot in the caves? Comment on THIS blog and name some, and a few of you will win a Random Rox prize. Yesterday's Random Rox winners are purplepengy1, joycemomo, and em1239477.
Keep your eyes at hand...
That sounds AWESOME!! I am on my way there RIGHT now!! If you dont know where it it, it is in the BOTTOM, right hands corner of the MAP.
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